In order to help protect you, our customers, their accounts and services from unauthorised access, transactions and use, we will use multi-factor authentication processes to authenticate the identity of the people in contact with us. This may include having a One-Time-Passcode sent to a mobile contact. We do this to help protect you against the risk of identity theft and fraud and will always do this before undertaking any high-risk interaction.
Why are we taking these extra steps?
Identity theft and fraud has become a bigger issue in recent years. In line with the new Telecommunications (Customer Identity Authentication) Determination 2022 that came into effect on 30 June 2022, we have introduced these extra checks to safeguard your account.
What should I do if I suspect my account has been subject to fraud?
If you suspect that your telecommunications service or account has been subject to fraud please report this to your financial service provider and us.
To learn more more about scams, fraud and identity theft we recommend the following resources: